What is fever for kids ?

Our body alerts us in a healthy, natural way of something going awry inside by elevating our body temperature, the so called ‘’fever’’. Fever usually means that the body has raised its temperature to fight a condition where your body temperature is higher than normal and probably an infection has caused your temperature to go up. Fever is also known as pyrexia or controlled hyperthermia temperature reading of 100*F or higher or can be considered “significant” and if it persists for more than 24hrs,it should be suspected, diagnosed and treated for the reason of fever.

It is our body’s way of letting us know that something is wrong in a way. Fighting off the infection. Fever is an indication that your body is reacting but in the normal way.

It is equally essential to closely monitor a person’s condition [especially in children/ infants] for any of the following symptoms like;-

Temperature is more than 102*F for more than a period of 36 hrs.

Fever accompanied by diarrhea,vomiting etc.

Inability to swallow even liquids.

A sharp rise in temperature can also result in seizures/fits in children

Cough and chest congestion.

Fever on specific hours in day.

Types of fever and variations:- There are many kinds of fever a few are viral, typhoid, malaria, hay, scarlet, dengue and yellow fever.

The most common causes are infectious viruses such as cold or flu. Other possibilities include gastroenteritis, hepatitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, urinary tract infections, measles, dental abscess, TB, and drug reactions, apart from others. Fever can also be caused by extremely serious conditions such as meningitis, dengue, leptospirosis and even swine flu. Both temperature also varies with age, activity and can be lower in the morning and higher in the late afternoon. A slight raised temperature could also be due to exercise, excessive clothing, a hot bath, hot weather etc.

Where to take temperature ?

Rectal temperature remains the most accurate especially in the case of young children, tympanic temperature [if could be done accurately] is also considered accurate, when compared with the armpit temperature being the least accurate.

As fever is after all a byproduct of something else, it is always better to consult a physician especially in cases when worst symptoms develop. Close monitoring remains the key word. Fever can be controlled if needed by antipyretics [oral or intravenous].their job is to reduce the temperature of body but they do not treat the reason of fever. Be careful eating them too often, may cause a variety of unwanted side effects.
